
6 years ago

On this day 6 years ago (which also happened to be a Tuesday) Elijah asked me to marry him and I jumped up and down and said, "Yes!"

I was in my slippers. I had been hoping for a proposal (let's be honest here). He'd had so many "perfect" opportunities to propose - our 1 1/2 year dating anniversary, Christmas, New Year's. But he chose a Tuesday while I was in my slippers. And it truly was perfect - beyond any dream or expectation I had.

That was merely one of the many ways that God has taught me about the differences between what I think I want and what He knows I need. That baby your heart desires? Here are 2! And let's make them preemies who never sleep at the same time. Another little one to follow? You'll meet that precious one in heaven some day. A homebody who never left town? Make your new home - put down roots and let yourself love - a place 2000 miles away.

6 years later, my husband and I spent the day playing with beautiful twin girls, anticipating the arrival of another little blessing.

I'm thanking God tonight for all things. It's hard to do sometimes. Clearly I struggle with it, since I talk so gosh-darned much about it on this blog. But it is the beginning of true peace.
(Gosh, weren't we cute? And so so excited - look at my pink cheeks!)


Elijah said...

Just to set the record straight here: our engagement wasn't totally devoid of romance. In addition to the slippers, there were many other things involved in the glorious event: flowers, intrigue, an element of surprise, a co-conspirator, a church, and a 20 foot tall ice sculpture of Amanda.....but she only remembers the slippers. ;)

Amanda said...

All of that is absolutely true...except somehow I missed the ice sculpture in my excitement. shoot.

Unknown said...

hahahaha I remember all the details (except the ice sculpture!) from the "locked keys," to the flowers she thought were for decorating the church. So precious. Six years- it's hard to believe. We're getting old, Amanda! lol Love you guys!!!

Dessa said...

Love this post! And Elijah - you look exactly the same! Outfit and everything :)

Melissa Braun said...

I remember it all so clearly, too, (except for the elusive ice sculpture...), and I laughed through tears of joy then just like today as I read this blog!
I love you so much, Amanda, and your pioneering spirit, and that sweet hubby of yours, and those precious little ones. What gifts from God you all are!!

RobbyEgo said...

I worked VERY HARD on that ice sculpture. Are you telling me that NO ONE saw it?

If this is the way I am going to be treated, I will *never* make a 20 foot tall ice sculpture again.

beth.a.hop said...

Robby- Don't be ridiculous- you have to make one for MY wedding someday!

[Amanda- the sweetness of your writing and the cuteness of you and Elijah knows no bounds- I am honored to be a part of it. Love you all.]