

Even after a rough day, how can I not be head-over-heels in love with that?

We have had some rough days, but mostly are thankful for a little bit of peace that has settled over us as we spend these moments together. The girls have been extra snuggly lately and this colder weather we are having this week is perfect for gathering under a blanket on the couch to read or sing or tell stories or just sit and look at each other. I am soaking these sweet girlies in.
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Related, in a round-about way, is the way my daughters help me come to peace with my - how shall we say? - rotund figure. Last night, as Elijah turned off the light in their room and the girls' nightlight cast our shadows on the wall, Sophie announced, "Mommy, your shadow is fat!" Which was the perfect compliment to Aida's comment last week when, after observing the color of my dress, she stated very matter-of-factly, "Mommy, you look like a pink elephant."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww Amanda - pink elephants are adorable and I happen to pray for big tummies that bless us with little peanuts! Enjoy what you can because you know you are not fat, but participating in one of the greatest purposes we are here for - to help create life! You are a great mama!