

These are the new pink boots that Nana left with her girlies.
They are magic boots.

As soon as a little girl dons this magic footwear she becomes a brave cowgirl. She rides her pony with abandon.
She runs through forests and fields, averting danger at every turn. She cries, "The river! The river! We have to get out of the river!" (Or, she clomps up and down the hall - those boots are really good for clomping - shrieking and screaming about that river - wherever it is - and about how absolutely imperative it is for her cowgirl sister and herself to get OUT. OF. THE. RIVER!)

But, these magic boots also happen to be pink and rhinestone-y. A brave cowgirl so adorned must have a pony to match her style.
We've been busy, busy, busy over here. Yee-hah!


Melissa Braun said...

I am so happy to see that the girlies are enjoying those magic pink cowboy boots!
I miss you all so much that I can hardly stand it-
Love and kisses!

Mary said...

are these cowgirlies related to certain other braun girlies who used to stand in a river in ZION National Park and call out (with intentional lisps) "The current is too STRONG! The CURRENT is too STRONG!!!" Must be some weird Braun thing...hahahaha!! Maybe Aunt Stepha told them about it when she was out there??

LOVE the done-up pony. That thing is stylin' I always love checking in on you and your sweet family via your blog. Thanks for sharing with us, darlin'!1

Anonymous said...

Amanda, My soon-to-be 19 year old daughter has spent a great deal of time this last year going through old home videos of her growing up years. They are treasure to her...and to us. Some day your girls will read about the great fun of growing up in your home, and about how you drank deeply of the joy they gave. It will be treasure to them. Keep seeing. And capturing. For the now, and the not yet.