
the best laid plans...

So, the girls have been doing this inside since Christmas:

And now that spring has arrived we (meaning especially me) have a strong desire to get those trikes out of the house and into some good outdoor use. Helmets were purchased and plans made to visit a local park on Elijah's first day of Spring Break. I envisioned my children riding along paths with glee, relishing the space and length after being confined to maneuvers up and down our (very short) hallway. Plus, there would be slides, swings, and even a creek in which to throw little rocks - a favorite pastime in this family.

We arrived at the park. Within 4 minutes both girls were in tears. The bikes hadn't even made it out of the car. The wind was too cold, the slide was too high, life was not all they wanted it to be. Elijah and I loaded them back into their carseats without a word, climbed into the car ourselves, took one look at each other, and busted up laughing. Life with children (and particularly with twins, I think) has taught us to do that. I love my husband.

We drove around looking for pink trees (the delight of trees in bloom!) and arrived home in higher spirits. So then what did they want to do? Head into the backyard to play on our "playground", of course.

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