
apples, anyone?

A few weeks ago we had a glorious and all-too-short respite from the ridiculously hot weather we've been having. The girls and I piled into the car while a thunderstorm loomed on the horizon and prayed we'd make it to the little apple orchard out (way out) in the country before the rain began to fall. We made it just in time.
The apples were small and there weren't very many of them, but that didn't stop us from thoroughly enjoying ourselves. As you can clearly see:
After we picked just enough apples to make a pie we plopped down for a quick snack before the drive home.
Both Aida and Sophie were very concerned that their chocolate bunnies get ample camera time.
The rain started to fall as we headed home, where we got right to work on our apple pie. I wish I had pictures of that, but both my kitchen and myself were - literally - covered in flour. Much fun was had by all, and the girls couldn't wait to dig into that pie after dinner. When the pie-eating hour finally arrived, they both took one bite and then said, "I'm done." Oh, well. The process was fabulous, if the product was not.

So, on this ridiculously hot 2nd day of Autumn, here's to the hope for crisp, cool evenings, pumpkins and cinnamon, cozy oatmeal mornings, warm cups of tea, candles, leaves, and lots and lots of apples.

1 comment:

Melissa Braun said...

Ginny says, "I love your story. It is awesome. The pictures are cute...they really are."

Love and kisses from our house to yours!
Momma/Nana and Ginny