
us these days: Part 1

I thought I'd bring everyone up to speed on what we're all like these days - especially since the girls change so darn fast. So, beginning with our youngest, I bring you the first installment of a 4-part series: the one and only Sophia Jane.
(Also known around these parts as Sophie, Sodie {when Aida wants to upset her}, Sofa Jofa, or Little J.)

I love this girl. She is hilarious. Today, she told her first joke. It went like this: "Red means go and green means stop."

Sophie is still shy and becomes my extra appendage when we are in public, but at home she runs wild and talks non-stop and has just a little streak of mischief in her.

She likes to be in the kitchen and spends most evenings perched on the counter while I'm making dinner, helping (read: stirring and snitching). I love having a little companion while I cook.

Sophie is a comforter. She hates to see people crying and will try to pat your arm or kiss your cheek if she sees that you are upset. If that doesn't work, she will add her own tears to yours. Which makes for a very noisy house around these parts at times.
(with her Aunt Ginny)
She is a great snuggler. She is a goofball. She has definitely mastered the drama cry over the course of the past month. And she loves, loves, loves those sunglasses.

And I love, love, love her.


WendyLady@GoodBooks said...

They are so adorable. Thanks for including so many photos! Loved every one. :)

Melissa Braun said...

So beautiful, Amanda. What a precious girlie our Sophie is!
Can't wait to read the next posts-
Love, Momma

Ariana said...

Ariana misses her little partner in crime!