
spider hair

That's what the girls call it when they sit in front of the fan and their hair goes crazy.
"Spider hair!" they shriek into the fan.
They listen for their voices to wobble and distort in the turning blades.
I wish I could blame "spider hair" for the perpetually crazy state of my children's hair, but I really can't.
Part of it just comes from being little girls - all of the little wispies that escape as they run and jump and paint and dance. I love that little girl hair.
But the blame mostly goes to my desire for peace and a general dislike of their shrieks as I pull the brush through their tangles.
It's moments like those that I remember my mother giving me the curse as she brushed my own tangled locks while I shrieked and moaned.
You know the one - "I hope one day you have a daughter who is just like you."
I got 2. But I tend to think of that as much more of a blessing than a curse.
Especially when they have spider hair.

1 comment:

Melissa Braun said...

Oh, my dear, you were a blessing, too! Even as you shrieked and cried while I brushed your hair! But what a funny way to get "paid back", with two, not just one!
I love you!