
that magic hour

I sat down in the living room, notebook, shopping list, and recipe book in hand, and started planning our meals for the week.

Sophie tugged at my arm. "Mommy, dance wiff me."

Meal plan? Or dance with my daughter? Not a tough choice.

Aida and Daddy quickly joined us and we cut a rug there in our living room to Ace of Base. I tried to drink it all in - the flying hair, the high-pitched giggles, smiling eyes and all the new dance moves.

There was a time - not too long ago - when the hour between dinner and bedtime was one we just had to live through. These days, that hour is the best one in each day. Bellies full, Daddy home, Mama relaxed and lots of laughing. And some nights, lots and lots of dancing.
(The dancing later changed to a recent favorite game - Daddy throwing/spinning the girls onto the couch. Check out the face of the spectator sister in each of the 2 pictures below...I love it!)


WendyLady@GoodBooks said...

Reminds me of a hilarious board book, PAJAMA DANCE, by Sandra Boynton! :)

Amanda said...

We love Sandra Boynton!

Jane G Meyer said...

Oh, what a beautiful family you are. Keep loving those dear girls with all your hearts!!! They will climb mountains if you do...