
playin' in the rain

Every part of me wanted to say, "No." I may have even half-heartedly breathed the word.

Aida had just said, "Mommy, I want to go outside."
Of course, my children had steadfastly refused as I had practically begged them to go outside yesterday when it was 77 degrees and lovely outside. Today, it had dropped 20 degrees in an hour and was raining. I wanted to say, "No." But then a little voice in my head said, "Why not?" I want to be a Mommy who lets my children play in the rain, who cultivates in them a sense of creativity and spontaneity and gratitude for every blessing. It's not always easy (convenient, conventional, painless) to be that kind of a parent. But I had just been presented with an opportunity. I wanted to take it. So I let my girlies put on their rainboots, grabbed our coats, and we headed outside.
It was so much fun. The girls got soaked. We tracked 600 leaves and a gallon of water into my mudroom. I put Aida and Sophie into a warm, deep bubble bath and let them soak for a half hour. We had vanilla chai and graham crackers and snuggled on the couch waiting for Daddy to get home.
It was the perfect way to spend an afternoon - much better than sitting around inside, staring at each other. And it was a good reminder to me that I need to just go with it, go with it, justbe present in each moment, sending up prayers of gratitude for each sweet moment, rain or shine.


smbraun said...

Ohmygoodness!! I love this!

Melissa Braun said...

What a beautiful reminder of how to live every day-
Thank you, Rosie-

Vicki Mayhew said...

Amanda, you are the mother I always wanted to be but never managed to pull off. You are a wise lady!

Unknown said...

Perfect! If they can bath without melting, they can play in the rain! Good job Mama!